My name is Mirella Di Calisto and I’m a Psychoterapist. I’m a Roman with Calabrian roots, I love the South Side (of Italy and of the Wordl) and my hobby is photography. After finishing my degree in Psychology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, I worked in two different support centers in the social field : the “Centro Antiviolenza Comunale” and the “Centro per Donne in Difficoltà Maree”, both supporting women with domestic and gender violence problems. With tenderness I remember the time when I studied Strategic Psychotherapy, when I had my first contact with the the health sector. Specifically, the experiences with the psychotherapy and self-help groups of Center of Mental Care of Rome (CSM D/6 – ASL RMC) and the psychological support groups of Sant'Andrea Hospital have been of great significance for my training. Afterwards I had a chance to venture into different areas of South Italy, such as the Violence Prevention Schools Project in Calabria and the Training Courses for teachers and students in Campania. Another International Project that shaped my way to think, feel and practice psychotherapy is the European Project “MOST: MOtivation to Study” ed the International Cooperation Project “ To-do-together: our school in Muyeye”.
Currently I’m focussing on private practice and my new challenge is matching Psychology and Mychology.

To make an appointment: 328.65.84.719 / farbala@libero.it